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Tuesday 22 January 2013

10 Funniest Google Street Sightings

Google Street View has become a source of entertainment as well as a source of geographical information. As specially equipped Google cars roam the streets of the world, capturing everything they see with amazing panoramic photography, the scenes become part of the Street View service that millions of people use to look at destinations and points of interest from the convenience of their computer. Funny things come up in Street View, however, that give some users a surprise chance to laugh. Looking for funny things on Street View has become a pastime for many who enjoy spending hours looking for them. Here, you will find some of the 10 funniest Google Street View sightings that you can enjoy whenever you have a spare moment or two.

1. Dolphin diving into a house

This funny image from Google Street View appears to show a dolphin landing into a house in an Oxford neighbourhood.

2. Crashed cyclist

This crashed cyclist may be drunk or may have been hit by the Street View car. This cyclist is in danger regardless of what caused this situation.

3. Google Street View cars break down too

In this funny scene one Street View car captures another one as its crew works to fix it.

4. Accident aftermath

This Street View shot captured the aftermath of an accident where one of the cars has overturned. An onlooker is on the left side of the frame while one of the drivers seems to be looking for documents on the right.

5. Car on a building

This car on a side of a building is hard to explain. Does it defy gravity or is this an optical allusion brought to us courtesy of Google?

6. One nation under CCTV

Street View picked up a criticism of the thousands of closed circuit cameras that keep tabs on British citizens. Britain has one of the highest concentrations of government operated surveillance in the world. Don’t worry, Street View helps even the score.

7. Caught in action!

These crimes and wrecks caught on Google Street view can only be seen courtesy of another Google feature: Google Cache. You will see reckless driving, burglaries, thefts, and other conduct that people would probably not do had they known that Google was capturing their activities. Street View even captured a homeless person with a shopping cart and a drunk on the sidewalk.

8. Insect on the camera

Bugs land on Google cameras too as shown in this funny Street View shot from The Netherlands. Maybe Google should install little windshield wipers on its cameras.

9. Car, meet streetlight

This wreck shows a collision between a car and a street light. Fortunately, the police are on the scene in this frame. Does Google monitor police radio and send their cars to the scene of every wreck?

10. Two cyclist collide

Google Street View seems to have a knack for coming upon collisions. These two cyclists collide in Bristol and are now immortalised, courtesy of Google.

Street View cars are almost everywhere. Sooner or later one will come by your house or business, so you can be ready for them with a funny sign or an amusing situation. Secondly, you never know when Google Street View (or anyone else with a camera) is in the area, so be careful about what you do or else the entire world might be laughing at you. Finally, realise that life is the same wherever you go. People everywhere are doing stupid things, getting into crashes, protesting government, and just plain being silly. You should feel better now.


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