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Tuesday 22 January 2013

5 Often Overlooked Benefits of Blogging for Business

We probably all know that consistent blogging makes a greater impact on a business’s marketing endeavors. However, it takes some time to garner the best results, and this requires of course motivation to make sure this strategy works. As a blogger, you have likely had one (or many) of those days where the words just don’t seem to flow and the thoughts don’t seem to come. This may be no big deal when you are writing for your own personal blog, but blogging for business can be challenging but of course, very rewarding.

5 Often Overlooked Benefits of Blogging for Business
Blogging has many benefits that can act as a motivating factor for your business, given that every action you take brings your strategic ideas to the limelight. This makes a significant impact to your target audience. More than ever, customers are connecting with companies through a variety of social media outlets and are starving for “social proof” that basically confirms that the company is worth doing business with based on media mentions and social media backing. This being said, there are many other additional reasons that blogging for business can be beneficial that many of us often overlook.

Many businesses close their eyes to the following 5 blogging benefits…

1. Most businesses need recognition at the initial stages. Blogging gives business the online presence it requires.

It also helps business in building a list, which is one important asset for any venture. Blogging can use pingware and freeware platforms to deliver web content or site indexing strategies in search engines. People can easily find consistent and reliable information on your blogs, which creates reliability and loyalty leading to referral marketing and in the end a wider global exposure.

2. Having full conviction in your business is important since it helps you provide reliable, accurate and timely information about your product and services.

This creates credibility for your business and contributes greatly towards attaining successful marketing efforts. The more ways your customers have to “get to know you” and what you have to offer, the more they will want to like you. Many businesses find that blogging allows their company to have a face and a voice behind it. People enjoy connecting with other people, not just large faceless companies. Blogging allows you to share your company’s personality and enthusiasm for your product or service.

3. Blogging is also an effective marketing tool that can be able to generate traffic to your site.

The constant and frequent updates promote your site ranking on various site engines; any website that ranks top on search engine usually attracts higher traffic. Blogs can be used as part of your site engine optimization strategy. Additionally, bookmarking all your blog tips content can also be helpful from a search engine standpoint.

4. When your blog has consistent and reliable content, it popularizes your site.

This is beneficial since new visitors can us the comments to authenticate your operations faster. These comments not only help improve your business strategic approach, but also give you a leap into social marketing networks. The blog comments act like historical records of the developmental progressive path your business has taken over time.

5. Consistent blogging also has a significant impact on your sales.

Besides the fact that it attracts more traffic to your site, in addition paint the real picture of your products and services through topical discussions and comments. This discussions help potential clients in making purchase decisions on your site.

In general, blogging can be very beneficial to any business venture. However, the most important factor is maintaining consistency over a long period. Having a strategic approach on how to develop your blogs requires you to consider the above-mentioned benefits. It is also important to note that blogging requires conviction to make it a worthwhile venture for your business.


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