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Tuesday 22 January 2013

5 Important Tips of Web Design to Improve The Conversion Rate

When it comes to visual appeal, it helps to think of your website as a physical store. If it were, what kind of paint would you choose? Would you use carpet, tile or concrete for the ground? What would your employees’ uniforms look like?

5 Important Tips of Web Design to Improve The Conversion Rate
If you want your website to have a high conversion rate, you’ll need to focus on its “look.” Here are some different design elements you could test to improve your visitor participation:

1) Strip it down

Simplicity sells. If your website is filled with flash elements, moving graphics and obnoxious effects, your visitors’ eyes will be overwhelmed. It’s been proven that if people don’t like the way a website looks, they won’t stay.

Strip your website down to its basics. What does it do? How does it do it? How can it help visitors? Keep things clean, simple and streamlined.

2) Make headlines jump

One of the first things journalists learn is to make their article headlines “jump.” This simply means that the title of the piece needs to be direct, exciting and catchy.

A newspaper stand is very similar to a website. If the pages don’t have headlines that jump, people will pass them without even noticing. Take some time to give your work an interesting identity. “3 Ways to Meet and Marry the Perfect Person in Less than a Year” is a better headline than “Dating tips.”

3) Use friendly colors

Using dark or dreary colors can instantly make your website unappealing. Go to any physical store and you will find yourself in a bright, uplifting environment. Store owners understand that customers need to be in a good mood if they are going to buy something.

Use bright, friendly colors on your website.

4) Keep font big

Small font feels tedious and scholarly. Visitors take one look at it and decide that your website is going to be more work than it’s worth.

Don’t mess around with fancy texts or lettering. Keep your font large and readable. This is a very easy way to boost your conversion rate.

5) Post safe, positive images

People respond tremendously to visuals. Their sight is their most trusted sense, and what they see they tend to believe. Use affirmative pictures to reinforce your website’s approachability.

A recent study showed a nearly 200% difference in conversion rate between websites with positive images and websites with negative images.

Just because your customers aren’t in the same physical space as you doesn’t mean that they can’t be affected by the “feel” of your website. If you take the time to make your business visually appealing, visitors will repay you in conversion rates.


  1. All these tips sounds really nice. I agree that website design do play an important role and is the main driving factor in improving the conversion rate. I will do consider all these tips and work on my website accordingly.
    improve conversion rates
