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Tuesday 22 January 2013

Google removered 250.000 links by copyright policy

Actually Google own how many online search links. No-one can answer this question.
However, recently, "the giant in the field of search" has made the community stunned when the network announced it will begin storing thousands of requests received daily search to find the link related to copyrighted materials. According to latest sources, Google received about 250,000 requests to remove relevant links to pirated content every week.

Upon receiving notice from the owners that their information is being linked to the website of piracy, after a complex investigation process, the end result that Google will remove all the links of this site out of search engine.

Google removed link by copyright policy, Google removal request

And the number of requests to remove links violations have soared in recent years. In fact, Google said the company is now the company received a number of requirements in a week more than in 2009. Only in 05/2012, Google received 1.2 million requests from 1,000 owners of copyright on the removal of links from 23,000 sites.

For the first time, the company had to create the list "request removal" on the online report of transparency starting from 07/2011. Previously, the company reports only show the government's requirements for the content on Google's servers. But now, due to the urgency, the list "request removal" has been placed on top.

"We believe that Google's efforts to achieve desirable results, create a fair balance between owners needs and interests of users and the benefits of Google" Fred von Lohmann, senior advisor grant copyright of Google.

When copyright owners believe there is any content that Google violated their copyright, they will first fill out a form template on the Google website. Google's software then automatically tries to determine whether the claim is legitimate or not. After that, the Google experts will begin implementation of the legal process.

Experts say Google statistics, companies typically about 97% of approved requests to remove links. And the company is working hard to eliminate the illegal links. Specifically, in the latest week, experts Google has removed 250,000 links related to ownership.


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