Last Date for HP Administrative Combined Competitive Examination 2013 Application Form : 04.02.2013
The Details of the Post / Services are as Under :
1. Nine vacancies of Himachal Pradesh Administrative Service, Class – I ( Gazetted ) in the HPPSC Combined Competitive Exam pay scale of
2. Four vacancies of Himachal Pradesh Police Service, Class – I ( Gazetted ) in the pay scale of
Note : The number of vacancy ( s ) in the services / posts which relate to the year, 2012 if received from the Government upto 30th June, 2013 shall be included for the purpose of selection of candidates on the basis of aforesaid HPAS examination.
Candidates to Ensure their Eligibility for the HPAS Examination :
(i) The Candidates applying for the HPAS Exam should ensure that they fulfill all eligibility conditions for HPPSC admission to the HPAS examination. Their admission to all the stages of the HPAS examination will be purely provisional subject to satisfying the prescribed HPAS Exam eligibility conditions.
(ii) Mere issue of HPAS Exam 2013 admit card to the candidate will not imply that his / her candidature has been finally cleared by the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission.
(iii) Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission takes up verification of eligibility conditions with reference to original documents only after the candidate has qualified for Interview / Personality Test.
1. A candidate must be a citizen of India.
2. Minimum Educational Qualifications for HPPSC Combined Competitive Exam 2013 :
(a) A candidate must possess a Bachelor’s Degree or its equivalent from a recognized University.
(b) A candidate who has appeared at an HPAS examination, the passing of which would render him eligible to appear at this examination but has not been informed of result, may apply for admission to the HPAS examination. A candidate, who intends to appear at such a qualifying examination, may also apply provided the qualifying Administrative Combined Competitive Exam is completed before the commencement of this examination. Such candidates will be admitted to the Administrative Combined Competitive examination, if otherwise eligible, but the admission would be deemed to be provisional and subject to cancellation if they do not produce proof of having passed the HPAS examination as soon as possible and in any case not later than two months after the commencement of this Examination, failing which their candidature shall automatically stand cancelled.
(c) Candidates who have passed the final professional M.B.B.S. or any other Medical Examination equivalent thereto but have not completed their internship by the time of submission of their HPAS Combined Competitive Examination 2013 application for the HAS etc. examination will be provisionally admitted to the examination provided they submit along with their HPPSC Job 2013 applications a copy of certificate from the University / Institutions that they had passed the requisite final professional medical examination. In such cases, the candidates will be required to produce, at the time of their interview, original degree or a certificate from the concerned competent authority of the University / Institutions that they had completed or requirement ( including completion of internship ) for the award of degree.
3. Age Limits for HPAS Exam 2013 :
(i) A candidate must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 35 years on the first January 2013, meaning thereby that candidates born on or after 02.01.1992 are underage whereas applicants born before 01.01.1978 are overage.
(ii) Provided that the upper age limit is relax able by five years for candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes / Other Backward Classes / Persons with disabilities and Children / Grand Children of Freedom Fighters of Himachal Pradesh as declared by the Govt. from time to time. Age relaxation is also available to Ex-servicemen candidates of H.P. as per provisions in Rules / Instructions of H.P. Govt.
(iii) Provided further that a Govt. servant who is holding substantive / officiating / contractual / Adhoc appointments in H.P. Govt. or in High Court or any Court Subordinate thereto and employees of the Public Sector Undertakings / Corporations / substantially owned or controlled by the H.P. Government shall be eligible to appear in the examination if he / she possesses a Bachelor’s degree of a recognized University and has not attained the age of 42 years on the first day of January of the year in which the HPAS Combined Competitive Examination 2013 applications are invited by the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission for Competitive examination. Any person who is eligible under this sub-rule and wishes to appear in the examination shall submit his / her HPAS Exam 2013 application in the prescribed form through his / her Head of Office to the Secretary, Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission.
Note I : Candidates should note that only the date of birth as recorded in the Matriculation / Secondary Examination Certificate or an equivalent certificate as on the date of submission of HPPSC HPAS Combined Competitive Examination 2013 applications will be accepted by the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission and no subsequent request for its change will be considered or granted.
Note II : Candidates should also note that once a date of birth has been claimed by them and entered in the records of the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission for the purpose of admission to an examination, no change will be allowed subsequently ( or at any other examination of the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission ) on any grounds whatsoever.
Note III :
The candidate should exercise due care while entering their date of birth in respective column of the HPAS Combined Competitive Examination 2013 application Form. If on verification at any subsequent stage, any variation is found in their date of birth from the one entered in their Matriculation or equivalent examination certificate, disciplinary action will be taken against them by the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission under the Rules.
4. Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh is a desirable qualification. The above eligibility conditions shall be subject to change, if any in the relevant Rules related to Himachal Pradesh Administrative Services and those of the concerned Allied Services, as are notified by the Himachal Pradesh Government.
Note : All candidates, whether already in Government Service, Government owned industrial undertakings or other similar organizations or in private employment should submit their Himachal Pradesh PSC Job 2013 applications direct to the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission. Persons already in Government service, whether in a permanent or temporary capacity or as work charged employees other than casual or daily rated employees or those serving under Public Enterprises are however, required to inform their Head of Office / Department that they have applied for the HPAS Examination.
Note : Candidates should note that in case a communication is received from their employer by the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission withholding permission to the candidates applying for / appearing at the examination, their HPPSC Combined Competitive Exam 2013 application will be liable to be rejected / candidature will be liable to be cancelled.
Note : While filling in his / her HPPSC Combined Competitive Exam 2013 Application Form, the candidate should carefully decide about his / her choice for the centre for the examination. More than one HPPSC Combined Competitive Exam 2013 application from a candidate giving different centres will not be accepted in any case. Even if a candidate sends more than one completed HPAS Combined Competitive Examination 2013 applications, the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission will accept only one HPPSC Combined Competitive Exam 2013 application at their discretion and the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission’s decision in the matter shall be final.
Note : The provisionally admitted candidates may download the admit cards along with instructions for appearing in the HPAS ( Preliminary ) examination – 2012 from the official website No admit card to any candidate will be sent through post. If any candidate appears at a centre other than those indicated by the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission in his / her Admit Card, the papers of such a candidate will not be evaluated and his / her candidature will be liable to Cancellation.
HPPSC Combined Competitive Main Written Exam 2013 :
(i) The result of HPAS preliminary examination will be uploaded on HPPSC website.
(ii) The Notification for inviting main HPPSC Combined Competitive Exam 2013 application form will be published in the leading news papers and the same will also be available on HPPSC website.
(iii) Candidates who are declared by the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission to have qualified for admission to the Main Examination will have to apply again, in the Detailed HP Administrative Services Exam 2013 Application Form.
(iv) The qualified candidates for Main Examination are required to download the Detailed Main HPAS Exam 2013 Application Form from HPPSC website and fill the relevant columns by enclosing attested photocopies of all documents in support of their eligibility as already claimed by the candidate ( s ) in preliminary HPPSC Administrative Combined Competitive Exam 2013 application form as well as in main HPPSC Administrative Combined Competitive Exam 2013 application form.
(v) The candidates are required to send the complete main HPAS Exam 2013 application form alongwith required documents to the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission’s office on or before the last date for receipt of HPPSC Administrative Combined Competitive Exam 2013 application as mentioned in the notice for inviting main HPPSC Administrative Combined Competitive Exam 2013 application form.
(vi) The Centre – wise list of admitted candidates and timetable for Main examination will be uploaded on Office Website for the information of the candidates. An intimation with regard to admission / rejection and date of commencement of Main Examination will be intimated through SMS / Email.
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