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Tuesday 22 January 2013

How Important of Corporate Blog on Your Business ?

When the term blog was born people were using internet to blog their online journals. They posted their views, shared their thoughts and jotted down their favorites. Slowing blogging as it is popularly known today evolved and today we have corporate blogs, personal blogs, marketing blogs etc. Every author, every motivator and every artist has a blog to make that personal connection with their customers or followers. So, what is the big difference between a website and a blog? Why should you have a blog?

Significance of a corporate blog

Websites are like an official business infrastructure where all the elements of a business is put together in a professional and more official manner. Whereas, blogs are like corporate get-togethers, where people socialize and talk business more casually and informally. Even big companies have their blogs to keep their customers and clients informed about their activities in a more casual, informal and lighter tone. The best employers are credited through blogs, client feedbacks, photos of special events; videos of their award winning ceremonies etc are showcased in their blogs to expose their corporate culture and business ethics.

Advantages of having a corporate blog:

· You get greater exposure to your company’s products and services as you can involve real people to blog their success stories or feedbacks

· Your employees will be motivated to contribute and to participate in blogs. They will be delighted to get recognized through the blogs and motivated to work even harder.

· Blogs also serve as search engine rankers by bringing up the website rating in search engines. More keywords and all kinds of media can be included in the blog which will affect the search engine rankings.

· Self promotion can be done through banners, widgets and ad blocks being placed in blogs

· The creditability of the company increases as people reading their blogs will get more informed about its structure

Blogging has evolved into being a great marketing tool in the hands of the right user these days. Creativity is what counts and some out of box thinking. Today we see an increase in blogging as more and more people and companies are realizing the significance of blogging. Major media giants and newspapers have their own blogs wherein they invite professionals from all fields to be their guest bloggers. The blog reading population has increased and hence they are all vying to catch the attention of these viewers who are the next gen customers who wants variety and new things to be said and done in a totally different manner.

If you can just open a google news page you will see how many blogs are listed in their tops news categories. People want to read these news columns through the eyes of different people who have different views on the one and the same news. So blogging can be a great success tool if used in the most appropriate manner. Corporate blogs are nowadays brand builders but in a most unofficial and cool manner. Blogs are mini newspapers which must have information, entertainment, humor, business and also some small talk. If you can blog this way then you are sure to succeed. But you must first decide the target audience and the goal for which you want a blog either for your company or personally. When you have this focus others simply fall in place. Happy blogging


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