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Tuesday 22 January 2013

Blog Backup Day: To make your blog grow by each day

After creating a blog, everyone wants it to become popular, grow leaps and bounds, and attract numerous visitors. Blog tips do not become popular automatically. In order to attract visitors to the blog it is crucial that you formulate a strategy and employ certain tips and tricks. Some of these strategies are:

Blog Backup

It is essential that you keep taking regular backups of your blog. This is necessary as several times due to spamming or some technical issues blogs are deleted from the host site. If this happens then all your hard work, which has gone in developing the blog, will go waste. So, ensure that you fix a date every month when you take a backup of your blog.


It is not necessary to stay aloof from other bloggers. You should correlate with them. This will enable you to get new ideas and the collaborating bloggers can motivate and encourage each other.


You need to be a disciplined blogger. Writing and posting articles on your blog intermittently will be a hurdle in the blogs popularity. Viewers want updated and new content regularly. So if you will provide diverse and new content diligently on your blog it will become popular among the viewers and will attract new as well as existing viewers to view it regularly.

You can pay money to people who contribute and help you in growing your blog

Another very effective way of making your blog’s content grow is by paying money to people who contribute to your blog. This will also ensure diverse content to be posted on your blog. Thought paying money to the contributors will involve money in the beginning but in the end it will make your blog more popular and the cost incurred earlier will be covered.


It is very vital that you select the correct theme for your blog. Avoid taking the mainstream topics as there are numerous blogs focusing on them. Therefore, you should select a unique topic so that your blog can be differentiated from other blogs. The unique topic will attract people towards your blog and thus will make it more popular.

Focus on quality and not quantity

You should always strive for quality content to be posted on your blog. In the blogging world quality pays off and not quantity. It has been seen that posting few quality articles is worth posting several average articles. Quality articles attract more visitors and people are tempted to re visit your blog.

Associate with Google

Google plays a lot of role in diverting traffic towards web sites. Therefore, it is a good strategy to use Google to attract traffic towards your blog. More traffic towards the blog will help in increasing the popularity of the blog. Thus, if you understand the working of Google you can optimize the content of your articles in a manner that your blog gets extra visibility through Google search engine.


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