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Tuesday 22 January 2013

Blog Tips World changed New Interface with Mazinseo Templated

When you read this article , that's mean you can see the new interface of Blog Tips World which has been working also 6 months with the first article on 11/7/2011 . Six months is not really a long time but i have definitely learn a lot of lessons in the blogger world. It helps me know how to write a good article , how to SEO for my blog , how to get more traffic... However, it is not easy like i thought before such as we just write article and update our blog regularly , the traffic will come to our blog naturally. In the real , it's absolutely different because it is very very hard for us to drive the traffic for our blog and it is much harder to keep them visit back next time. So that i think there are many challenges for any new blogger but after that we will improve day by day and know how to solve the trouble in any situations.
Blog Tips World new interface, mazinseo template blogger
Why i want to change the new interface for Blog Tips World ?

Because i want to change the better SEO template, i really got the trouble with the traffic of my blog at the moment. Before 14/4/2011 , the traffic came to my blog is absolutely awesome which was nearly breached 50 unique visitors/day. However, after Google announced the new algorithm is Google Panda , my traffic from Google search dropped 99% from 20-30 visitors/day to 1-5 visitors/day. I just thought that my keywords in Google search is dancing and it would be back after few days ( it usually happen in Google ) but until now it is still the same and i think maybe my blog was in the Google Panda case. Then i searched around the internet why i got it and how to solve it, i reckon three reasons that maybe push my blog into the Google Panda punishment.
  1. The content of my blog is unqualified and it was not really focusing on the topic Affiliate and Make Money Online
  2. The old template was not suitable with my niche and i put many advertisements on it.
  3. Trading link with another website.
The solution for this trouble is i will invest more time for any articles and make sure it is really qualified before publish. In addition, i change the new interface for Blog Tips World which is clearer and neater than before.

Where is the template from ?

It called Mazinseo template which is not a free blogspot template which was design by Tien who's owner of VnBlogspot ( Vietnamese blogger ). I just knew him that he was really a good blogspot designer that you can recognize when you visit to his blog. He is still selling this template on his blog , if you are interesting in this template , you can go to this article and purchase this I think15$ to own this template is very cheap to compare with his works.
Note : Now you can visit to review this template and read the guideline how to use it.

How do you feel about this template ?

In my opinion , it helps Blog Tips World look more professional with 2 main color white, orange and more focusing on writing about Blogging and Make Money Online. Beside that , this template provide more useful widgets such as Popular Post, Feature , Random Post .... which can help you find out more impressive articles.

I hope after changing this template , my blog will be took off as Google Panda as soon as possible and i will look after it better and better by spending more to create good article.

Anyway, i really love this template and i hope my blog will more develop after this event. If you have any recommends about the layout of this template, plz leave the comment to let me know.


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