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Tuesday 22 January 2013

Three Biggest Advantages of Guest Posting You Should Know

Guest Blogging is an act of submitting your blog post on another person's blog but it is not meant like you can submit every single post which you copy on the internet or unqualified article because you have to wait for the approving from the owner's blog. It gonna be more difficult to submit your post on the famous blog or high qualify blog such as high PR or high traffic. Their requirement is very hard maybe from the small thing like grammar to the important thing like content.

Three Biggest Advantages of Guest Posting You Should Know
If you are the regularly readers of my blog, you can see last two posts are guest posting. I am still receiving more and more emails for guest posting and how could i have many good offers from guest blogger ? I will explain for you right now. The reason why can i receive many guest posts is after i joined in the My Blog Guest forum which has been started by Ann Smarty and is also the place for all blogger in the world to share their articles or looking for guest post. I just visited this forum through search engine and i've had two posts which one about introduce about myself and one about looking for guest posting. After two days, i still dit not receive any responses from the writers and i just had a thought that it is not easy to find the guest blogger for my blog because it is still PR 0 and traffic is not really high. However, the third day i receive few emails to offer the guest post for Blog Tips World and i am really happy with that. At the moment, i am still receiving more articles from guest blogger and i would like to thanks to Ann Smarty who created a unbelievable place for blogger communication.

Now i would like to share with you everything which you need to know about the guest posting as well as the biggest advantages of it.

You can get free advertising from guest post

It is the first clear thing which you can recognize from the advantage of guest post . When you have guest post on another blog ( it should be the same niche as yours ) , they will provide you the link in your article and have some sentences to introduce about yourself. So it can help you to exposure your blog to reach out to even more people.

In addition, i would like to invite you to be my guest post as well and i have one idea to regard to my guest blogger is if you can contribute for Blog Tips World 4 articles per month ( 1 article per week ) , i will give you back one banner 125x125 in my sidebar. I think that is really good option for whom are looking for free advertising.

Build more invaluable backlinks

Guest post is always the good way to build one way backlinks and it brings you definitely high qualified link. And specially if the blog accept your guest post which is very high traffic , you will see the traffic come to your blog from this blog will be incredible. It do not only bring you traffic on one day, it will bring you traffic every single day.

You will be recognized as an authority

When the people recognize you have guest posts on couple of other blog, they will automatically regard you as an people who have good knowledge in this areas and you can build your brand up as well. They will visit your blog and listen your advices so it will bring you really big benefits from those people.

I know that there are some people who think why we have to contribute guest post for another blog and it just help the owners update their blog. However, after you complete to read these advantages in this article , i reckon that you will change your mind , right ?


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