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Tuesday 22 January 2013

What You Can Do While Waiting For Your Keywords to Climb the SEO Ranks ?

As an online business, it can be extremely discouraging to invest a lot of time and money into search
engine optimization, only to have to wait several months before you begin to see results. There are a
lot of things you can do while you are waiting for your keywords to climb the SEO ranks. Below, you’ll
find some of my top suggestions for growing your business on the Internet, without having to spend
additional time or money on search engine optimization. SEO is definitely one of the most profitable
online marketing methods, but it doesn’t have to be your one and only moneymaker. Depending on
the products or services that your company sells, there are lots of other lucrative options for you to
consider - Blog tips World

Your Keywords to Climb the SEO Ranks ?

Consider eBay, Craigslist, or Amazon

These are websites where you can list a product for sale, allowing other people to purchase it through
their system. EBay, Craigslist and Amazon are extremely successful systems and they are highly used. On
these websites, you can find a wide variety of people that sell their products. The user bases of these
websites are huge, they have millions of people that purchase products on a regular basis. By marketing
your products on these websites, you can quickly get buyers, without having to invest anything. It
costs a minimal amount of money in order to list on eBay, it’s free to list on Amazon, and Craigslist is
free as well. EBay and Amazon will take a small percentage of your profits, but it will be minimal when
compared to how much business they have supplied you with as a company. Craigslist takes absolutely
nothing, but you will have to deal with your customers directly, you cannot sell things on Craigslist if you
are not a local business. All three of these websites can be an excellent income opportunity if you are
an online or local business that sells products. They each have an extremely large amount of users and
plenty of potential to generate interest toward your products.

Try to obtain traffic through question and answer websites

The best way to spread the word about your products or services, is to spread your knowledge.
Undoubtedly, you are going to have a lot of knowledge that you can share about the industry that you
are in. You can go to question and answer sites and sign up for a free account, so that you can answer
questions that other people have asked things. When they ask a question, simply reply to them with
an answer, spreading your knowledge and wealth of information to the public. In your answer or in the
resource box, you can leave a link to your company’s website. This can result in a lot of traffic and sales
for your business, it’s a great way to get links on the Internet that people will actually see and possibly
click. Question and answer sites rank high on search engines like Google. This means, when somebody
searches a question that has been answered on one of these websites, the website question will show

up at the top of the results. This also means, your answer will also be displayed to people who find
the question through search engines. Search engines provide so much traffic that the question you
answered will get dozens of visitors a day. All of this traffic could be directed straight to your website,
if you provided a good quality and solid answer for the question. Question-and-answer sites are a great
way to grow a company while you are in midst of a search engine optimization campaign.

Consider online forums, if there are niche specific forums in your industry

Forums are a community of people where you can ask questions, post answers, and talk with one
another. Forums are great way for people to correspond with one another online. People create threads
around important topics in specific industries, and everyone can reply to those threads and discuss the
matter with one another. There are literally dozens of online forums in just about every topic that you
can think up. Online marketing, politics, social networking, auto repair, and restaurants are examples of
industries where you can find online forums. By joining these forums, you can be in active member in
the community and share information that may benefit other members of the forum. In your signature,
or perhaps in some of your posts, you can promote your products or services at your place of business.
You may even leave a link, pointing back to your website. The members of the forum community can
view this post, possibly go to your website and purchase some of the products and services that you
are advertising. Of course, it’s important that you join forums based around the industry that you sell
products or services in. This helps you market yourself to people that actually have an interest in what
your business provides.

PPC advertising on Google, through Adwords

Google Adwords is a program that allows you to create an advertisement that will be displayed on the
Google search engine, when people search keywords that are related to your products or services. Keep
in mind, PPC advertising is fairly expensive, you have to have a large budget in order to pay for every
click that your ad receives. This is why it is called PPC, it stands for pay per click advertising. It means,
when your ad is displayed on Google, every time that somebody clicks your ad you are going to have to
pay a small amount of money. When you have dozens of clicks throughout the day, this money that you
have to pay can quickly add up. PPC advertising through Google Adwords is profitable, but you’re going
to have to analyze your statistics and come up with campaigns that are more successful than others.
It’s a long process, and it takes years to be able to master it. For some people, you might have luck right
away, so you should definitely look into it if you have a budget to begin advertising online.

Advertise on niche related websites

The truth is, PPC advertising through program like Adwords, is generally too expensive for most
businesses. So what types of alternatives do you have if you don’t have a large budget for advertising
on search engines like Google? You can use media buy networks to create a banner or text ad to be
displayed on niche related websites in your industry. If you can get ads on quality websites that have
traffic related to the products or services that you provide, this investment could pay off considerably.
It’s a gutsy move, it’s going to take a bit of money and some time in order to work out a profitable
campaign on websites that are valuable to you, but it could be more successful than Adwords.

There are a lot of different ways that you can generate traffic for your website, and possibly obtain leads
or sales, without having to invest more money or time into SEO. While search engine optimization is
extremely profitable and lucrative, it takes a long time before you begin to see a return on investment.
Not to mention, a lot of SEO companies practice impractical link building methods, and they may
actually damage your site’s reputation in the search engines, more than help it. Finding a good quality
SEO company to hire can be a difficult process, but it will definitely pay off. In the meantime, try to
generate some sales for your business by using some of the methods highlighted above, some of them
could actually end up being your primary traffic source.


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