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Tuesday 22 January 2013

Some useful tips for blog writers to enhance their writing skills

You might have wondered how blog writers never run short of words. How come they keep coming up with new and unique ideas al the time? The truth is that no body is born a writer. Every blog writer works hard to polish or improve his writing skills to become a better blogger.
Blog tips writing requires passion, creativity and commitment to your writing. You may come across many bloggers who aren’t naturally gifted writers but they are successful only because they have worked hard to develop this skill in them. To come up with a new idea or imagination every time is a difficult thing yet many blog writers do so. This is because they polish or update their thinking and writing skills from time to time.

Tips for writing skills, improve writing skills.
If you are a blog writer and you want to know how you can enhance your writing skills, then you can benefit from the following tips that I personally use from time to time.

1. Write more!

This is a common phrase, “practice makes a man perfect”. This stands true for writing. You cannot enhance your writing skills unless you are doing a lot of practice. But that does not mean that you should start writing day and night. Don’t make it a boring drill that must follow every day, instead choose some topic that is nearest to your heart and write whatever comes to your mind. Identify the points where you get stuck in writing and find out the ways to over come them.
2. Study various informative and inspirational source

The best way to enhance your writing skills is to consult different sources both for information and inspiration to write. These can be books, news, tutorials, Blogs, articles, internet, magazines, novels, e-books, billboards, dictionaries or the likes. These sources keep your knowledgebase updated which ultimately help you in writing. The more you love reading the more polished your writing skills will be.
3. Don’t think you are perfect

Self criticism is a key to become a better blogger. The one who thinks his writing style and ideas are perfect and need no improvement, cannot simply improve. This is the thought that will prove to be a hindrance in your blogging career. Improvement only comes when you feel you are not perfect and there is a scope for you to learn. Read your content with neutral perspective and don’t approve it just because it’s your work.

4. Analyze yourself from time to time

Conduct self analysis after regular intervals, and use your readers’ feedback to assess yourself. Read your past writings after a specific period. If you feel it is not up to the mark or you think there is a lot to improve, then you are surely on the right track. Whenever you’ve written anything, you need to study it again and again, even after you have published it, to identify your weak areas. Study other blog writers to identity the strong points and style that you are missing in your writing.

5. Always appreciate criticism

Always welcome constructive criticism from your readers as this is the only way that can polish your writing skills. For this purpose, listen to what your commentators are saying about your style and quality of your content (however don’t get duped by spammers telling how awesome your post was and how their entire family loved it). If someone leaves a negative comment, be thankful because it can lead you to become a better blogger. You can also request a professional blogger to read your content and comment over it.

6. Develop a habit of listening and observing

The one who does not observe and listen cannot be a successful blogger. Observe what your audience wants from you and try to produce that best suits their needs and requirements. Also, take part in discussions of knowledgeable persons and listen to what they are saying.


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