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Tuesday 22 January 2013

How to impress readers with your blog/creating a great looking blog ?

Blogging isn't the easiest thing to do for most. Not all of us are born as great writers and i am also a person in this case. However, after few months i properly learned many things and have more experience on the blogger world. Maybe i could not write well with the impressive sentence but i could keep it clear and make it easy for you to understand and keep you come back to my blog.


I believe that this is the biggest one of all. Engaging your readers is not all about your writing skills. You can be the best writer, have the best grammar, punctuations, the whole nine yards but if you don't transfer your personality into the writing IT WILL BE BORING! Sounding like a robot will drive your readers away. People want to feel connected to the writer. Share stories, make them feel like you're talking to them. Adding a personality to your blog posts will separate you from the millions of bloggers out there. Be different, be original, be YOU.


You can have the best, most engaging, super well written content but if your blog is not readable you're wasting your time. Make it easy to load, easy to navigate through but most of all make it readable. I personally prefer black colored paragraphs against a white background. That is what people are familiar with.
Also, design your blog according to your content. There are hundreds of themes out there for online magazines, personal blogs, business, portfolios, etc. Choose one that is most relevant to what you're writing about.

Keep it clean.

This might fall into presentation. What I mean by keeping it clean is that most people fall in love with the idea that they can make money off their blog. And decide to put tons of advertisement all over the blog. This can be very distracting. Keep it simple and if you decide to put ads on your blog, make it tasteful. Keep it readable and not looking like a highway with billboards all over it.

Improve your headlines.

This is what engages people to read. Creative headlines will prompt people to click on your blog posts. create headlines that start with "How to..." and "How...can help you..." or you can create them yourself. Get creative. Test different headlines to see which one drives more traffic. Remember that this little sentence can drive your post to be twitted hundreds of times if done correctly.


This is where your originality comes in place. You created a blog for a reason right? Bring that passion to the masses with a great tagline. Get creative, be original but keep it professional so people know you mean business.

Write regularly.

Write once a day or once a week depending on your schedule. Having fresh and original content will keep your readers coming back. Make sure you keep them relevant, interesting and most of all engage with your audience. This will also improve your writing skills and develop your style.

Sharing is caring.

Provide a way for your readers to share your thoughts. Social networking sites are a great way to drive traffic to your blog. If your readers like what you have to say, provide them with ways to share with their social network.

Engage with your readers.

Respond to your comments, join in on the conversation, support it but most of all respect the people who decide to comment on what you have to say. After all, they took the time to give you feedback, do the same for them. This can turn into a great friendship or a future blog post.


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