can be of different types and has even evolved into micro-blogging for
those who believe in being people of few words. While blogging gives the
writer the freedom of expression of thought in as many words as he can
think of, micro blogging is more a advanced system of threading
conversations on a common blog and posting comments on it. Content
posted on a blog can be protected by copyright if one chooses to. There
are some blog sites which even encourage writers to write up stories for
competitions organized by them which are copyrighted by the blog sites.
The other information on the blog is that of the time and date that it
has been published on the blog.
writing can be an incredible journey into creative writing with blog
sites such as Word Press, Sulekha.com, etc. Blog awards are awarded by
these blog sites to writers which get featured by them thus encouraging a
host of new writers to write and publish work. Writing, which was
considered a forte of a few English literature graduates or Journalism
degree holders is now becoming a launch pad for many a dream weaver.
Blogs are not just personal, they can be official or organizational
blogs, there can be blogs on different genres like photographs,
fashion,legal advisory blogs, Hindustani classical music blogs,
e-learning blogs ,art and travel logs, the list is perennial. Then there
are other kinds of blogging which involve usage of multimedia such as
MP3s, radio blogs, Phlogs, sketchlogs, tumblelogs etc. which enhance the
commentary or the descriptions more aesthetically and with more impact.
political impact that micro blogging sites like Twitter and Facebook
have created has had the power to swerve political preferences. The
indelible impression that the power of the written word has had on the
minds of millions of readers has had in the past ruined reputations of
formidable institutions and organizations and has disrupted the schemes
of many a politicians. It has helped in creating political crisis by
exercising the right of information to the masses. Blogging has
therefore empowered the common man who is not at the mercy of
insensitive statesmen and politicians.
future of blogging in the blogosphere has endless possibilities. With
blogs being interlinked and networked by link backs and blog rolls major
search engines like Technorati are developing systems where in blogs
may be sub-divided into tags which can appear while searching for
information. According to the Wharton Business School, the future of
blogging will include video and messaging making it more interactive.
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