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Tuesday 22 January 2013

How to keep your blog more engaging ?

Managing a unique website and attracting more traffic is easier said than done. It requires a lot of
research, time, practice and patience. If you are dealing with blog tips for quite some time, you are
probably looking for new ways to improve it. Every blog owner has to realize that the opportunities for
improvement are never-ending. Implement new techniques in every part of your blog, be it engaging
with customers or content development. A few of you might have implemented great ideas, which
would not have worked well. Maybe the idea was inappropriate. Why?

How to keep your blog more engaging ?

• Few ideas might be tough to follow
• Some tips do not focus on the base but provide advanced tips
• Some suggestions aim at increasing the page view rather than engaging

To make your blog more engaging, the following tips will be of great help. Personally, I implement these
steps and received an alarming response.

Evoke Responses

Numerous methods are available to evoke the interest of a reader. One tip that brings life to your article
is by writing as if you are speaking to the reader. Put into practice “your” or “you” in the article rather
than “they”, “it” or “them”. The title when posed like a question draws the attention of visitors. Raise
questions throughout the blogpost which will provoke the visitor to read further. But make sure to
answer every question that you raised in the blogpost. A meaningful question at the end of your post
motivates the visitor to comment.

Short Paragraphs

Long texts irritate a reader and they might leave your blog. Short, simple and meaningful paragraphs
grab the attention of many. Short paragraphs are easy to read and understand when compared with
complex sentences. For example: BBC’s news articles are short paragraphs which convey the meaning.
No wonder they are popular.

Bulleted Lists and Subtitles

A meaningful grouped data is the right method of targeting readers who are seeking information.
Combining paragraphs that convey the same meaning and providing a suitable title is useful for readers
who scan your content. Content with subtitles are widely popular among the visitors. Bulleted lists
attract the eyes of a customer and it gives a legible look to your content. Make use of the variety of
fonts to grab the attention of the visitor. Fonts like Bold, Italics, Underline and many others can be used
to highlight the important points.

Include Media

Add relevant videos or pictures to your post. A colorful post or blog with diagrams, graphs, videos or
pictures helps the visitor to stay long on the site and read the post till the end. Better still when the
videos or pictures are inserted in-between the post. Placing the graphs or pictures towards the side of
a page will be misunderstood for an advertisement. Place one picture up in the document to visually
engage the visitor.

Eradicate Errors

Spelling and grammatical errors in your post will never earn you customers. If so, don’t be surprised
when you receive comments on your poor English and inaccurate data. Spelling errors can be easily
avoided if you spell check after completing the post. A word program can also be used to make sure
there are no grammatical mistakes.

Engage Yourself

If you receive comments on your post, respond to them as soon as possible. This shows that you are
active and wide open to comments. This also shows that you respect the readers and their views. There
are chances for your comment box to turn into a discussion room, provided the content is too good.

You can also choose a topic and write the negative aspect of it. Make sure not to touch on sensitive
subjects that might bring in trouble. The Top 10 or Top 20 lists is the best way to engage with the
visitors. You can also visit similar topic blogs and comment on them. These are ways to build a beneficial
relationship. Apply any or all of the steps above and if you have any other tips share them here.


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