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Tuesday 22 January 2013

Three Step Guide How To Get More Traffic For Part-Time Blogger

First of all, i want to say some thing about the disasters in Australia. I think everyone know that 1 part of Australia was sunks in flood in last few weeks which was Queenland. The research said this floods is the most terrible and horror one in Australia after 200 years which swept through the north-eastern Australia and killing at least 8 persons, over 100 persons was missing, vehicles were quickly slip in the rolling waters, fallen trees down and roads submerged in the water.

The loss of material could eventually be reconciled but the loss of people maybe never be recovered. Those who was unlucky to give up their life in the flood history is indeed a huge loss never to be forgotten. The lucky people escaped the last flood and hurricane who also dropped in white hand situation. They are suffering to lost their family , their house, their property... This is really big damages which is affecting to Queenland citizen. I would like to wish all the best to them and hope them can go over this situation. In addition, if you want to make a donation using your credit card, call 1800 219 028 or visit All donations of $2.00 or more to the appeal will be tax deductable. It is the time we can show the same spirit of a true blogger. One hand can't do no thing but one hundred , one thousand of hands can help them to pass this tough time.

Now i would like to come back to the main topic, i think in the blogger world , there are not a lot full time bloggers who cant spend all their time for blogging. So they are always battling to publish post as much as they can, participating in forum, do social networking, article marketing but they also have to take care their family, their daily job, their friends that are also very important on their life. How can you solve this situation, should you continue battling with your daily activities and doing the best you can?

I would like to show you some strategies this is less time consuming for blogging but still getting more traffic for your blog.

Step One : Publish Only One Blog Post Each Week

Do you think you can make blog post every single day ? Many people believe in it will get more traffic and so most of us assume it is only way out. But i think it is absolutely wrong. If you dont have a lot of free time , there is nothing with cutting back on the number of post you publish. You never can tell your readers might even be grateful for giving them time to keep up with your post. Most folks have so much stuff to read that they don't have time to keep up with all of your posts and probably they feel bad about it. By cutting back on the number of blog post, you make it easier for them to remain an active subscriber.

How many posts should you publish per week ?

There is no set number but i would like to recommend that you should start really one quality post each week. If you have more free time , you can increase your post per week and should try to set it up suitably.

A well-written blog can get you more links as well as traffic than hundreds of hurriedly written ones. No doubt, some writers are faster than others but in general, if you are spending less than a couple of hours on most of your posts, you are most likely going on a fast pace. Quality is still more important than quantity.

Step Two : Submit One Guest Post Every Month On Popular Blog

Guest post is one of the best ways to increase traffic for your blog immediately and it will be more effective if you can be a guest post of famous blogs or popular blogs. With the visitors numbering in ten or even hundred of thousand month, famous bloggers can provide for your blog a lot of traffic so they are very careful about the quality of content they publish on their blog. In addition, there are thousand of blogger are volunteering to do guest posts for them. So when you want to submit one guest post on popular blog, you should try to create really really quality article before apply to be guest post.

Besides that, guest post is very good for SEO. To make SEO worthwhile you need a lot of link from trusted sites. To get the best from twitter, you need to get re-tweets from folks who have many followers. To get the best out of social bookmarking, you need connections with social media power users who can generate dozens or even hundreds of votes for you.

Step Three : Slowly Start Doing More Post And Marketing
Once you start seeing the rewards of your effort, you'll find it's a lot easier to do more.
Generally, people tend to be more motivated to work when something is working. If you land a guest post on a big blog and get a few hundred subscribers, you won't have to push yourself so hard to work on your next blog. You'll have that urge to do more, and that makes blogging more enjoyable and fun.
You would also have established the connections you need to slowly start trying some other marketing methods. Case in point, you could:
  • Publish a special content, such as a free report or video and then use your connections to get links from top blogs.
  • Build a following on twitter to help advertise your posts and then strategically make a post go viral.
  • Pick a search phrase that is getting hundreds of thousands of searches monthly and then make use of your connections to get trusted links.
None of those techniques are brand new. Anyone who has been blogging for a while would probably dreams about attracting links, building a large twitter followers and getting a first page ranking on the three major search engine.


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