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Tuesday 22 January 2013

4 ways to use Facebook for your travel website

Facebook is one of the top social media marketing sites in the Internet. As social media marketing is one of the less budget marketing strategies that are presently used by major businesses all over the world, it is important to know how to use Facebook for your travel business online.

 4 ways to use Facebook for your travel website
Facebook is a social networking site that acts as a marketing platform and has reached the status of being the most effective social media marketing medium on the wide canvas of the Internet and is credited as an extremely low budget marketing strategy, which has found favor with, and is used by almost all major businesses all over the world. If you are the owner of a travel business, then Facebook is just the right place for you to promote your travel and hotel business. You can be sure that you will find the maximum number of clients and customers through their auspices. Your business will improve if you can get more bookings. You will find many ways in which you can use Facebook to boost your travel business.

Facebook Tourism – Reincarnation Of Hospitality Business

For those in the hotel and tourism /travel business, Facebook tourism is an ideal podium to launch and advance your travel business. It is all about being at the right time and place to be able to woo your customers and extract maximum goodwill and business from them. This may be your benchmark between success and failure.

Facebook Travels Apps And Apps Facebook Hotels

Facebook travel apps and apps Facebook hotels are two tools of Facebook that help you to boost your business in the tourism industry. They offer you a wide range of publicity. With Facebook having 200 million users, you should find it very easy to get a lot of bookings. Therefore, you should add a booking feature on your page.

Facebook Page

Owning a Facebook page is just like having an email id. Today it is impossible for you to carry out your business if you do not have an email id. All the business is, in fact, carried out through the net and so your email id is important. Likewise, having a page on the Facebook will also help you to keep in touch with the thousands of people who visit the site everyday. Facebook is also search engine friendly. It would be in your own interest to make your Facebook page so attractive, that it will attract and a boundless multitude of visitors to your pages. Do not forget to add pictures and images to your pages; this will make it much more noticeable. You could also add a travel guide to your Facebook pages.

Provide A Facebook Link

You should see to it that your Facebook link is displayed very prominently on your business card. The link should be a part of your email signature. There should be easy accessibility from your link to your website.

Join In The Facebook Discussions

You should try and make as many people as you can visit your Facebook page. You should also become a fan of pages that are similar to your pages. You can join in with the discussions that are held on the Facebook, especially if it is on a topic that is related to travels. This will help you find a lot of clients.


With Facebook, you have the world at the click of the mouse. Facebook is a site that attracts the younger generation, and you will find that almost all the youth is given to visiting the site at least once a week. This means that you will get the exposure that you need to promote your business.


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