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Tuesday 22 January 2013

How blogging makes you a better person ?

Become more efficient

By nature I am quite disorganized, so self-management was always something of an issue for me.

Until I started blogging.

Writing blogs soon became part of my routine, and the daily cycle of research, writing, posting and promoting gives much-needed structure to my otherwise chaotic day. Making the commitment to post every day meant that finally the time had come: I had to get organized.

Having lots of apps running can be distracting (cheeky glance at Twitter anyone?), and with so many sharing sites like Reddit, Digg, and; posting to them all can be time consuming. Reading other peoples’ blogs helped me to find tools which multi-task for me.

Hootsuite allows you to send your links to all your social media platforms simultaneously, and is a great time saver.

You could also try Timely which will schedule your tweets at the best times for maximum impact – it even shortens links for you. *mental high five*

Always keep a notebook handy! You may not be inspired to write brilliant posts every day, so it helps to have some in the bank for those writers’ block days.

Become more knowledgeable

They say that the best way to learn is to teach, and doing research for your blogs can be a great way to get a better understanding of your niche. By creating Google Alerts for your industry keywords, you will find out the latest relevant news as soon as it is published on the web.

By reading other bloggers’ work, you will learn about lots of things outside your area of expertise. For example, if your job involves writing a company blog, you should find posts about professional blogging helpful; whereas if you own your own site, you will probably want to learn more about Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Subscribe to the blogs you find most useful and interesting, and make time each day to read them. This will also help you to improve your own writing style.

Become more confident

The more you write, the easier it gets to be satisfied with your work. Sometimes you have to accept that not all your blogs will be deserving of a Booker prize, especially if you are posting very frequently.

Get to know other bloggers by commenting like crazy on any posts which you have an opinion on (be nice please…) and the author will usually reply back to you. Other readers will add their opinions and you can get a great conversation or debate going – particularly if the post in question is a little controversial.

Over time, you will get regular readers and subscribers to your blog. Be sure to respond, and continue to add to other peoples’ blogs, and you will find that you become a known and liked part of a community. Writing as you would speak to a friend gives a warm feel to your blog, which people will want to return to.

Finding a great title and your blog getting tons of views.

Getting a debate going, with people commenting on your blog with different viewpoints.

Heck, even getting your first comment on a blog, these are all things which boost your confidence and make you feel great.

Keep at it, don’t give up when it gets tough, and don’t expect to have 1 thousand readers in the first month, and you will slowly but surely become a better person thanks to blogging.


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