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Tuesday 22 January 2013

3 Things You Should Do When You Start Losing Blog Readers

Have you ever been in a situation where your blog tips readers are diminishing?  You check your blog analytics and all you see are a handful of visitors whereas your blog used to be the go-to for many readers not so long ago. You also know your blog posts are always top class.
So what happened, and what can you do when you experience such a fate?

Smart bloggers will start figuring out the cause of the problem and work on it. It however may not be as simple as it sounds since you can’t possibly follow up on every visitor asking why they won’t visit again.

3 Things You Should Do When You Start Losing Blog Readers

Here are some suggestions for you:

Be there for your readers

Are you engaging your readers in the best way possible? Readers will abandon a blog if they feel the owner does not care much about them.

Show your readers love and they’ll spread word about your blog. They’ll share your blog posts on social media sites, bringing you more visitors.

How do you do this?

•    Engage your readers by replying to their comments and answering any questions they might have.

•    Find out where your readers regularly hang out when they’re online and be there too. Are there forums where your readers frequent? Are they active on twitter or facebook? If they’re on twitter, engage them with relevant tweets. If on forums,  join the conversions too. They’ll know you care about their well-being. One way to find where your readers hang out is by looking at the referral stats in your site analytics. See which social sites are regularly bringing visitors to your blog, then leverage on that.

•    You could also set up polls or surveys on your blog if necessary. Visitors will feel valuable.

Reference >> add facebook like button to blogger

Review Your Blog’s User Experience

How easy is it for readers to find what they’re looking for on your blog? Is it easy for them to navigate your blog? Do you have a search form where they can easily search for information on your blog? Are there intrusive ads on your blog?

These are some factors that may be making it hard for visitors to fully enjoy the experience on your blog.
Your blog may be filled with top-notch content but readers can’t consume it because of the intrusive ads or unnecessary floating plugins.

If you’re monetizing your blog using advertisements, make sure they’re relevant to your blog’s topic and place them where they can’t obstruct readers from accessing relevant information.

Disable plugins that you don’t find relevant and also ensure your blog speed is good.

Make it easy for visitors to navigate your blog by including necessary categories and navigation points.

Visitors might be running away from your blog because you’re making life hard for them.

Start Updating Regularly

Do you update your blog regularly with fresh unique content? I mean relevant content that meets your readers’ needs. You might be losing readers because you don’t update your blog regularly. Give them a reason to come back.

Sometimes it can be hard to continually provide quality content on your blog. It’s cumbersome and sometimes it just get’s boring.

But let’s face it. If your blog does not continually provide fresh relevant content, then soon or later you’ll start losing precious visitors. Even search engines might lose trust in your blog.

Here are two ways you can use to ensure your blog is regularly updated.

•    Come up with a blog editorial calendar. An editorial calendar should be one of the vital tools in your blogging arsenal. It helps you plan ahead, ensuring you have a smart content strategy for your blog’s future.

•    If writing blog posts is like swallowing a bitter pill for you, then you might consider outsourcing some of the work. Just make sure you find an excellent writer whose writing style resonates well with your blog. You can also invite guest bloggers.

The key here is to find a regular pattern that works well with your readers. It could be one post per week, two posts per week or even daily. The niche you’re in also matters.

Are your blog readers increasing or decreasing? What are you doing to make regular blog readers?


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