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Sunday 20 January 2013

A final thought from The Wisdom of Clouds

As the cloud market matures, James Urquhart changes companies and changes his focus from infrastructure to applications. It's time to say goodbye to one of his great passions, he says.

Three years ago, Matt Asay (then-author of The Open Road) introduced me to Dan Farber, then the CNET editor in chief, who invited me to begin blogging as a member of the CNET Blog Network.
(Credit: Gary Orenstein)
I accepted, and from that day forth, I made it my goal with every post to inform and educate you, my reader, about the varied nuances of this disruptive way of doing IT that we call cloud computing.
Since then, I've written several posts that I am very proud of:
There are, of course, many more posts that I am proud of than I could list here.
My ability to share all of this with the CNET readers was only possible because of the excellent support of CNET's editors and staff. I owe all of them a debt of gratitude for their excellent and professional work.
Unfortunately, as of today I must bring The Wisdom of Clouds to a close. There are several reasons for this. The most important reason is a new job that I am taking on as vice president of product strategy for cloud management software provider enStratus. This is a huge opportunity to take on a demanding role in what I believe will be one of the most important pieces of software in the enterprise in coming years.
There are other reasons, however. For one, cloud computing itself is no longer an innovative new field, but a growing marketplace of hundreds or even thousands of technology and service options. Covering cloud overall has become a journalist's job, and I see myself more as an analyst and essayist.
So, I will continue to write. I want to explore how application development and operations is changing in light of cloud computing, as well as understand what cloud service providers are doing right--and wrong. Look for occasional contributions to GigaOm, as well as my own blog, which I plan to resurrect. The best way to keep up with me (and even share your ideas or comments with me) is on Twitter, where I am @jamesurquhart.
Last, but perhaps most importantly, thanks to you, the reader, for making this such an amazing experience. I will always be grateful to CNET, its readers, and the technical community at large for giving me the wisdom of clouds.


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